I wish this was what my place looked like but alas, tis not. |
- I make my own dinners. Wot?
- I have to clean floors, dust and do dishes because there is no one else to do them. Wot?
- If I don't go to class I will see no other humans. Wot?
- I don't have a couch so I sat awkwardly on my bed while the technician installed my internet. I spent the entire time wondering if I should stand because sitting on my bed staring at him might have been suggestive and/or the beginning to a horrible soft porn romance novel. WOT?!
I'll take pictures once I've painted and everything looks cute. Ya know because that's important!
I don't have much else to write about right now. Perhaps I'll just write about the fact that I hate that my cat climbs on everything. She's broken two things recently and I want to spank her little bottom for it but I resist because 1) I don't really believe in that kind of stuff and 2) She's already so skittish. All I ever do is hiss at her and tell her no and she seems to get it at the time but apparently not the point that I don't want her to do it again.
If I tape thumb tacks to all the counter tops for like a day and let her find out that way, would that be animal cruelty? I won't really do it but I fantasize about it at 3 am when she knocks a glass over into the sink and it wakes me from a dead sleep and nearly gives me a heart attack.
My dog has decided to start chewing on cords and destroying my earbuds, so I beat hime with the chewed up cords. Thumb tacks for your cat sounds pretty painful though.