
Friday, January 31, 2014

London Calling

There's a multitude of places I want to travel and several things that I want to do within those places. I have a travel bucket list because literally the only things on my bucket list involve travel. One of the places I've always wanted to visit was England, specifically London. I'm half Mexican and the other half is a mix of English and Irish. Anyways, this blog isn't to blog about my ancestors it's to blog about you guessed it LONDON!

I have so many things I want to do but here's like my top 10 and if you know me, you should know the first 3 things involve food and only 2 involve fashion. What gives?

10. Eat at Coach and Horses

Ok it sounds kind of dumb, but my friend told me about this thing that was held here, it was like a WWII dinner party and she said the food was to die for and the decor was absolutely stunning and to my taste and ever since I wanted to eat there. So I plan too.
9. Find the best Pizza in London.

I have been recommended several places by people who have been to London or currently live there and I intend to try them all. It's not a very long list so I'm not going to post it but my belly is aching for this. Especially since I had pizza for lunch today. Such a happy tummy right now.
8. Drink one pint of a different type of hard apple cider in a pub every night I am in England/London. YUM.

I don't like beer really. I try and I try and every time I think I've found my drink, you know, one I can stand I basically barf. I however LOVE hard cider. Pear Cider or Apple Cider doesn't matter. So, because hard cider is actually a British drink originally I'm determined to have some cider every day I'm in England/London and I am determined for it to be a different brand every time. See if I like one better than the other and they have to be UK brands - no American cider because obviously I can get that shit here. A few I'm excited to try are Magners, Blackthorn, Carling, Thatchers and Somersby. There's so much more but those are like my top 5.
7. Bug a Buckingham Palace Guard

Honestly, who doesn't go do this when they go to London? Who doesn't visit Royals when their country has no monarchy? If you don't you're an idiot. This is pretty much a requirement.

6. Piccadilly Circus + Cinema

Piccadilly Circus is the Times Square of London, so naturally I want to go but after visiting Harrods I doubt I'll have money left to buy anything. Luckily for me there's a movie theater or Cinema because that's what it's called over there and I just want to go hang out. Sounds kind of weird but I LOVE British film and tv programs. Their reality TV is a million times better than American TV. Gogglebox is all I have to say. Oh and the Undateables. Plus, they have Sherlock and Dr. Who. REST MY CASE!

5. Ride a double decker to all the touristy sites

I have friends who can show me a good time and show me certain things about London but I totally want to be a tourist. Whenever someone comes to L.A for the first time I saw them all the touristy crap. I love it. I love being a tourist in my own city and I like being a tourist in other cities. It's just fun. I want to buy a cheesy british flag key chain or something or maybe an I heart London t-shirt with Big Ben on it, the list is endless but nothing screams IGNORANT AMERICAN like snappin' polaroids from a double decker bus!

4. Visit Harrods

Harrods is a store in Chelsea that has like 330 departments and is the biggest department store in Europe. Its fucking ridiculous and I can't wait to go. I probably won't be able to buy a lot, it'll be mostly window shopping for me but still I want to be able to say "I came, I saw, I left with my wallet weeping and my heart screaming GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!"

3.  The London Dungeon

Alright, if you know anything on London then you know acting and theater is HUGE here. Like ridiculously huge. As in, fuck Broadway, plays and such were made famous here.  If you know me, you know I like the creepy, the kooky and the weird stuffs so naturally I'd find something right up my alley and is the perfect combo of the two. The London Dungeon recreates various gory and macabre historical events. They do performances of Sweeny Todd, Guy Fawkes (V for Vendetta anyone? They recreate the Gun powder Plot!) and my favorite JACK THE RIPPER / THE WHITE CHAPEL MURDERS! Seriously, I love that shit. It's the next thing on my Bucket list! 
"You are clearly of above average intelligence and attractiveness. You'll fit in perfectly with the rest of our colourful characters!" - taken from their "can you handle it personality test.

2. Visit White Chapel District, Pemberly, Westminster Abbey and a few other literary or historically famous places

Who read Pride and Prejudice and doesn't want to see where Mr. Darcy lived? Who doesn't want to visit the famous places Thomas Hardy wrote about in Tess D'Uberville? You're a fucking nutjob if you said no because I definitely want to see how these places that I've only dreamed about in my head actually look. Also, when I was little I told my mom if I had to be buried the only place I'd want to be buried is Westminster Abbey. I didn't know it was for royals. OH, PRINCE HARRY! I like gingers. *hint hint*

1.  Find & Marry the Blonde Hunky Dunk in the Middle

If none of the people in that photo give you the biggest lady boner you need to take your pulse. The blondie in the middle - his name is Jamie Campbell Bower and he's my celeb crush. If I can't get him I am certain that London is full of charming chaps who would love to hang out with me. And so who am I to deny a boy with an ACCENT?! Good clothing/fashion sense? Tattoos? Accents? All of these things are acceptable and more. So can I get a british hunk to escort me around town and then take me back to his flat where I fall in love with him? YES PLEASE. SIGN ME UP. LET'S GO.
So that's my London Bucket List! What do you guys think? You know, besides celeb stalking it's pretty good right? LOL.

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